Unearthing new IoT opportunities.

Data collection leads to valuable improvements.

Two coal mine engineers with protective helmets standing on a hu

Smart mining energy and mining solutions.

Your customers don’t need to spend a gold mine to mine their gold. Let our IoT technology improve safety, productivity, and yields for any mining and energy businesses.

What can our smart solutions do for you?

Whether you’re making the product, distributing the product, reselling the product, or providing maintenance for the product, we can help you increase your revenue, decrease your costs and learn new insights about your customers. With detailed, real-time reporting, alerts, and a central service for all your connected devices across your entire network, you’ll know exactly where your products and equipment are, how they’re performing, and when they need service (before your customer tells you). All in one place and in real-time. We can reduce your service costs, allow you to better manage your customers’ needs, and create new products/services to develop new revenue streams for your business.



Are your customers losing their connections when they’re down in the mines? We can improve their network connection in remote areas while increasing productivity and lowering their costs. They’ll be able to get real-time decision data to replenish their tanks, reduce downtime, and improve their balance sheet simultaneously.

Electrician in Underground Mine Tunnel


Equipment management

Heavy equipment needs to do the heavy lifting on time, every time. We can automate all of your customers’ equipment monitoring to capture strategic information including location, utilization, idling time, fluid levels, hydraulic pressure, braking, vibration, and battery health. The faster they can diagnose equipment problems, the faster that equipment can get back to working for your customer.

Nyngan Australia June 20th 2012 : Shallow depth of field image of a miner inspecting ore rocks on a conveyor in NSW Australia


Asset tracking

Hide and seek isn’t nearly as much fun when your customers are trying to find their assets. We can help them monitor the movement of their vehicles, equipment, assets, and people and help streamline processes, reduce human effort, and reduce expenses. They’ll have a safer, more productive environment for their employees and know where everyone and everything is all the time.

Miners underground inspecting work in progress at a mine site in


Geophysical monitoring & decision making

Mining and extraction are dangerous work on the best of days. We can help your customers monitor and regulate the safety of their workers in real-time. We’ll measure seismic activity, show the effects of heavy equipment operation, and identify locations of risky activity, all while ensuring environmental regulations compliance and reducing personnel accidents.

Silhouettes of worker in the mine.