Stop Assuming It Can’t Be Automated: IoT is RPA for the Physical World

Kevin Lofgren - Chief Revenue Officer

September 20, 2024

By now, you probably know what RPA is: automating routine tasks people used to do on computers. Cool, but predictable, right? Now imagine we take that idea and say, “What if we could do this for anything your humans do on a routine basis?” That’s where ObjectSpectrum comes in—with IoT as the game-changer.

Look around your business. You’ve got employees (or subcontractors) doing repetitive tasks, whether it’s inside a building, out in the field, or at multiple locations. Here’s the thing—almost anything they do can be automated. Don’t assume it can’t.

What’s Really Routine Around Your Business?
I’m asking you to think about the most mundane stuff your people do. Routine inspections? Monitoring systems? Completing reports? These tasks don’t need to be done by humans anymore. IoT sensors can take over. And trust me, they’re better at it.

Here are a few examples of leveraging IoT for RPA:

Example #1: Water Management for Irrigation
Right now, you’ve got guys in trucks driving daily and weekly routes to check the infrastructure that delivers irrigation water to farmland. This includes pumps and canals, ensuring that water is flowing where it should be and not where it shouldn’t be. Not only does IoT provide real-time information, but it also provides remote control of the gates and valves to direct water to where it’s needed. The result? Labor reduction, smarter management of natural resources.

Example #3: Indoor Inspections
Are your employees (or contractors) performing routine indoor inspections on equipment or infrastructure? IoT sensors can handle that, too. HVAC systems, lights, security measures—sensors can monitor it all and let you know when something’s wrong. Your team will only show up when necessary, slashing labor costs. The result? Fewer trips, more savings.

Labor Reduction—The Holy Grail of IoT
Let’s face it: human labor is expensive. And when your people are stuck doing repetitive tasks, it’s a huge drain on your bottom line. Whether it’s your own employees or subcontractors, IoT-driven automation cuts labor in ways RPA alone can’t touch. The bottom line? You save more. A lot more.

At ObjectSpectrum, we don’t just talk about possibilities—we deliver solutions. By leveraging our Prism platform, we design, develop, and deploy IoT solutions in record time. And thanks to our pay-as-you-save model, you’ll see immediate benefits without the big upfront costs.

What’s Really Stopping You From Automating?
Here’s the kicker: with IoT, you don’t have to wonder if something can be automated anymore. If a human is doing it routinely, there’s a good chance we can automate it. And IoT sensors don’t get tired, they don’t take breaks, and they sure don’t need benefits. They just work.

So, what are your people doing that could be automated? The future of RPA isn’t just on your screens—it’s out in the real world, and IoT is your key to unlocking that next level of efficiency.

Take a deeper dive on this topic by visiting our RPA + IoT Page.

Let’s Talk
If you’re ready to move beyond the limits of traditional RPA and see what IoT can do for your business, we should talk. Chances are, you’ve got countless opportunities for automation sitting right under your nose. And with ObjectSpectrum, we can turn them into real-world savings fast.